
Bureau of Land Management Endangered Species Recovery Fund -- Since Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, total Recovery Funds Initiative funding for the 1150 (Threatened and Endangered Species) Program has been $9,650,093 million. Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Funds Initiative program has supported 69 species across the BLM. These funds have supported threatened, endangered and candidate species recovery actions identified in recovery plans.

Department of Defense Natural Resources -- The Department of Defense's (DoD) Natural Resources Program (NR Program) supports the protection and conservation of all threatened, endangered, and at-risk species found on military installations. DoD TES Fact Sheet

Friends of the Wild Whoopers (FOTWW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization whose mission is to help preserve and protect the Aransas/Wood Buffalo population of wild whooping cranes and their habitat. The goals of FOTWW are to: (1) acquire secure resting/feeding sites along the whooping crane migration corridor; (2) raise funds to provide rewards for persons who inform on those who kill whooping cranes; and (3) educate interested persons about whooping cranes and their needs. As one part of that mission, in 2018 the FOTWW signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assess migration stopover habitat at Corps lakes.

As the principal federal partner responsible for administering the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) takes the lead in recovering and conserving our nation's imperiled species by fostering partnerships, employing scientific excellence, and developing a workforce of conservation leaders. Through the Cooperative Recovery Initiative (CRI) the USFWS is working with partners to help prevent extinction, recover species and protect habitats that benefit both wildlife and people. CRI is a strategic, cross-programmatic approach to recovering federally listed species on National Wildlife Refuges (Refuges) and surrounding lands that provides opportunities for focused, large scale on the ground conservation efforts that typically have few venues for funding.

U.S. Forest Service National Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species (TES) Program -- The TES Program assists field biologists, other staff personnel and line officers to attain the Chief's priorities and managing TES resources from a healthy ecosystem perspective. This includes recovery of threatened and endangered species and their habitats, conservation of sensitive species and their habitats, and providing for the diversity of plant and animal communities on National Forest System lands. Link to Fact Sheet

The Western Regional Partnership (WRP) provides a proactive and collaborative framework for senior-policy level Federal, State and Tribal leadership to identify common goals and emerging issues. The aim is to support WRP Partners and protect natural resources, while promoting sustainability, homeland security and military readiness.

Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is a partnership between Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to use agency technical expertise combined with $33 million from the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program to combat the decline of seven wildlife species whose decline can be reversed and will benefit other species with similar habitat needs.